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Credit repair Melbourne case study below:

Credit Fix Solutions offers credit repair Australia wide.

We offer free consultations, and useful information on how you can fix your credit yourself.

CLICK on the video below to watch our most recent credit repair Melbourne success story for a client of ours:Credit Repair Melbourne

Are you paying high interest rates?

Do you need to refinance to lower your liabilities?

Then you’ve come to the right place!

Credit Fix Solutions offers great ‘credit repair’ services Australia wide.

Most cases take around 4 to 8 weeks – to improve a credit report.

We only charge fees once we get successful results.

Client ID 6050: Fantastic result in just 4 weeks!

Default removed, and her broker refinanced her home loan at 3% lower, saving her $2000 per month!

What would you do with $2000 extra per month?

Especially, since interest rates have shot up!

If we cannot help you, we will give you education on how to improve and therefore protect your report moving forward.

We will only accept your case if:

A: Credit Repair is a benefit to you

B: You are not currently in financial hardship

If you are currently experiencing financial hardship please call the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007.

Alternatively, you can get finance tips here: www.moneysmart.gov.au

Get in touch with us today for a free credit report assessment.

Use the contact form on the homepage here

#creditrepairmelbourne #creditrepair