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Is paying someone to fix your credit worth it?

This is a question we have been asked many times since we opened our doors in 2013.

Credit Fix Solutions offers credit repair in Sydney and across Australia.

Our head office is based in Parramatta NSW, with offices in Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth.

We have helped thousands of Australians to fix, protect and understand their credit reports.

Is paying someone to fix your credit worth it?

Why not take a listen to our CEO’s latest video on a recent client success story to find out?

Click on the picture below to watch:

credit repair services Australia

We’ve been helping Australians to understand and improve their credit reports for 8 years now.

This video is client number 5661 for the record.

When we get asked ‘Is paying someone to fix your credit worth it?’ this is what we would suggest:

  1. Yes, if it’s a complex case and you don’t understand how to fix it.
  2. Per above, ONLY if it’s a benefit for you to spend the money.
  3. IF you are currently in hardship then you should seek independent financial advice first.
  4. No, if it’s something simple you can do yourself.
  5. No, if they want money upfront that is not clearly refundable if not successul.
  6. Get some education on credit reporting and credit repair first.
  7. Get a copy of our credit report essentials guide for free. E: victoria@creditfixsolutions.com.au
  8. Speak to your finance broker about your Lender options before you apply for finance.

Every day of the week we help families across Australia to fix their credit reports.

This article is not deemed financial advice.

This video is for informational purposes only.

Please seek independent advice or speak to a finance broker about your loan options.

We offer no obligation free assessments over the phone and via email if you email us your credit report.

You can get your free credit report from Equifax at www.mycreditfile.com.au and from Illion at www.illion.com.au and Experian www.experian.com.au.

Important Note Below

It is important to check all 3 of your personal reports as we have seen different data across the reports.

Assessments are quick, we can help you fix simple things yourself for free, you do not necessarily need to spend money on credit repair.

If you are currently experiencing hardship, we cannot assist you.

You can call the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007

Would you like a free assessment from our CEO and her expert consultants?

Complete the contact form on our home page and a consultant will be in touch.

We believe that further to having great successes the past 8 years that it is worth paying someone to fix your credit.

It all depends on what needs or can be fixed, what you can do yourself, and other factors.

Make sure you only pay if the credit repair company is successful.

Also, please make sure you get some education first and do some research before signing up.

The credit repair company you choose should be licensed as per ASIC guidelines.

E: sales@creditfixsolutions.com.au #creditrepair #creditrepairservices #creditrepairaustralia